Don’t Do This if You Want Beautiful Teeth

Don't do this if you want beautiful teeth

Everybody talks about what you should do if you want nice teeth. But what about the things you shouldn’t do? You might be making grave mistakes and not even realize it! Use this guide to help you:

Don’t Grind Your Teeth

Grinding your teeth is a surefire way to damage your teeth. You can crack them, chip them, and wear them down. You might not even realize that you’re doing it. It might be something you do when you’re concentrating, or something you do in your sleep. Lots of people do it! Avoid grinding your teeth and you’ll have a much nicer set of teeth. Usually the dentist will point out if they think you’re doing this. If you wake up in the morning with a headache or an aching jaw, it can be a sign you’re doing this. In some cases, all you need is a mouthguard. Be on the look out for signs of grinding.

Don’t Ignore the Dentist

Assuming you visit the dentist regularly, they’ll be giving you instructions on what you should and shouldn’t be doing for your own individual situation. Don’t ignore him! He knows what he’s talking about. Do what he says and you should have beautiful teeth.

Avoid Eating/Drinking Colorful Food

OK, you can still eat and drink colorful things but you should keep it in moderation for the best results. You probably don’t even realize that some things you’re eating are staining your teeth. Berries can stain teeth, as can coffee and tea. Even fizzy drinks can stain your teeth. Whatever you’re eating or drinking, you should always use your toothbrush afterwards to make sure there’s nothing left in your mouth that could be damaging. Look at electric toothbrushes for the best possible result!

Do Not Smoke

Smoking causes all kinds of damage to the entire body, but here we’re focusing on the teeth. Smoking will discolor your teeth, making them yellow and even brown. It can also rot away your teeth. Avoid it at all costs for your own well being! If you already smoke, you’re better off using a vape or electronic cigarette. They are proven to help people quit faster, as they give the feeling of smoke without all of the nastiness.

Don’t take Drugs

Drugs can cause all kinds of damage to your teeth depending on the kind. They can rot your teeth away, or get you grinding them right down. If you need help, see a professional.

Don’t Pierce the Area

Having piercings in the vicinity of your teeth can not only damage your teeth, but your gums too. Whether you want a lip piercing or a tongue piercing, it’s better avoided for beautiful teeth. You can get lots of other piercings, but of course they all have their own pros and cons. Beautiful teeth need to be kept free of piercings!

Beautiful teeth don’t come naturally for most people. You need to make sure you’re careful with them and take the above steps to be able to show them off proudly. Leave any tips of your own below. Thanks for reading!

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