Biggest Business Trends In 2016

Biggest Business Trends In 2016

Seeing as it’s January, I thought I’d write a predictions post for the upcoming year. So, without further ado, here are my predictions for the biggest business trends in 2016:

Social Media Marketing

For a few years now, social media marketing has been a growing trend. I think that 2015 was the year that most companies finally understood that they needed to use social media. We saw so many innovative social media campaigns using Vines and memes to help promote businesses. Big corporations understand how to use social media to their advantage, and they’ll continue to do so. After all, it’s a wonderful way of marketing a business and connecting with the customer. I think we’ll see even more emphasis on this in 2016. Plus, I bet we’ll start to see more and more small businesses use it too. In fact, social media sites are already becoming aware of how beneficial they are to companies. They’re started making it easier to advertise and manage a marketing campaign on the site.

Mobile Apps

If you’ve got a keen eye, then you probably noticed a rise in mobile apps. More and more business are turning to app development. You might be curious as to why this is. So, I’ll explain it a little for you. Mobile apps give a business the chance to tap into the mobile market. Almost everyone you speak to will have a smartphone or tablet. The fact that so many people have mobile devices has put an increased importance on apps for businesses. With an app, you give a consumer the chance to download a part of your company onto their phone. This way, they’ll constantly have instant access to your business and be able to browse and buy items. Plus, you can send notifications through that app to entice them to buy things. Apps have already become huge, and I think we’ll see them get even bigger in the coming year.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has been around for a while but it only really took off in the past few years. In a business sense, it offers the chance for more secure and protected data. Storing stuff in the cloud means you’re less likely to suffer any information breaches. However, there are also other uses for the cloud, such as collaborative working. I foresee companies continuing to use cloud storage as a way to keep their data secure in the next twelve months. I also think that we might start to see more uses for the cloud in a business sense. Soon, all businesses may work using cloud applications instead of desktop ones. Look for the cloud to get even more important in 2016.

There were plenty of business trends in 2015, and these are some of the ones that I think will continue in 2016. The observant among you may have noticed a trend within these trends. Yes, they’re all digital. That is a trend in itself, business is going digital and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future.

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