Stick To Your Resolutions In 2016 With These Fool-Proof Tips

Stick To Your Resolutions In 2016 With These Fool-Proof Tips

There’s not much time before New Year’s Eve is upon us, so it’s time to start deciding upon our resolutions for next year. Maybe you want to stop smoking, get fit or eat more healthily. Whatever resolution you decide upon, it’s a great motivator to make the new year the best one yet. But after the thrill of the New Year celebrations have worn off and you go back to reality, it can be hard to stay on track and dedicated. If you’re one of the many people who find it difficult sticking to their resolutions, use these tips and tricks to keep you focused.

Keep your resolutions to a minimum

Giving yourself too many resolutions can make the whole process feel chaotic and out of control. Taking on too much all at once is one of the many reasons why people quickly give up on their resolutions. Make a list of possible resolutions and edit it to under 10. That way you can easily prioritize the ones that mean a lot to you and divert your focus from any unnecessary ones.

Focus on one at a time

Once you have decided upon which resolutions you wish you make, focus on one at a time. Overwhelming yourself with too much drastic change can make you feel lousy and unmotivated. Start with one of your prioritised resolutions from your list and don’t move onto the next until you’ve achieved your goal. If your resolution is a huge change such as losing weight or quitting smoking, break this down into achievable smaller goals. Being able to easily hit your target will work wonders for your enthusiasm and confidence levels. Your first few steps should be incredibly simple and easy to achieve to make you feel accomplished.

Get support

The best way of sticking to a goal is by getting support from your friends and family. Tell somebody who you trust about your resolution plans so they can assist you in staying positive and focused. There will be times when you may temporarily lose your motivation, so having this support will ensure you don’t quit. Let them get involved in your process and maybe they can even do it alongside you. So you can support each other when times get tough.

quit smokingYou might need some additional help kickstarting your resolution so you can also seek help from other sources. Research forums or chat groups that relate to your resolution, so you can talk to others who are going through the same experiences and issues. You can also get in touch with doctors and fitness experts. They might suggest that you buy Herbalife products or Nicotine patches to help you reach your goals. These will get you started with your dieting and help you to deal with your nicotine cravings. Listen carefully to their suggestions and advice and consider the options available to you.

These tips will make it easier for you to alter your life for the better and reach your goals with ease. The key is staying positive and motivated throughout. But also remember to celebrate your achievements no matter how small they are.

New Year’s image courtesy of Flickr.

Cigarettes image also courtesy of Flickr.


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