In a world so focused with the material, it can seem like there are fewer and fewer people considering the effects of the spiritual in their lives. Yet there are many who are finding that a material life can be emptier than they expected. To them, the idea of faith of spirituality might be novelty. The fact is that, whether it’s God or something else entirely, the simple practice of living spiritually can give us a lot of tools. These are tools we can use in everyday life, whether it’s to help others or understand ourselves. Here are just some of the ways finding spirituality can have a positive effect on your life.
It gets you through those dark patches
It’s a common problem even for those with belief. How can we look to the beauty of the spiritual when the world can be full of such darkness? However, it can be faith than can offer the light and the ladder out of those mental pits. Looking back on our lives, on the good we have done and have had done to us, can be a tremendous help in these times. Putting it all on a universal scale can teach us how temporary our doubts can be if we have faith.
The best earthly thing about spirituality is how it builds communities. Whether it’s in the middle of mass or seeing someone else with Masonic Regalia, shared beliefs and ideas can strengthen the bonds between us. Differences can occur, of course. So long as we remember the core of our beliefs belongs in understanding, there are no better ways to build a family around yourself.
Know yourself
From meditation to scripture, confronting our spirit means introspection. If we do it honestly, we can learn not just what to love about ourselves but how to fix our foibles. This means having an eye out for learning, not just trying to confirm what we already know. If we understand ourselves better, we can better with those around us, too.
It inspires
Getting in touch with the spiritual side of ourselves can open so much more gates that we imagined. It can teach us to be charitable, to be understanding and it can also teach us to be creative. All throughout history, religion and belief has had profound effects on the creative mind. One only has to look at Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel paintings or Les Miserables by Victor Hugo to prove that. Not only is this good for ourselves, it’s a way of expressing our faith to others, too.
It can help you look at the world in a new context
Besides giving us a more optimistic, or perhaps accepting, look at the world, belief helps us look at the world in another way. Not only what it can do for us, but what we can do for it. Spirituality helps us understand human suffering and charity. The idea of sacrificing our time and effort for others is not just noble, it’s the most immediate way belief has a visible impact on the world.
Is Numerology Relevant to You?
If you’re noticing certain numbers with increased frequency, there IS a good reason for it, and it’s important that you figure out what that reason is.
Numerologists regard numbers as carriers of pure energy and believe they contain a huge amount of archetypal wisdom. Which is one of the reasons why the Spiritual realm uses numbers to communicate with humans – their messages remain clear, strong and unchanged across language, cultural and even inter-dimensional barriers. It’s also why many people call these kinds of repeating numerical patterns “angel numbers” as they’re becoming more widely recognized as messages from the divine, containing huge amounts of spiritual guidance and support.
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