What is this mysterious energy technique called Reiki? It seems as if it is being talked about everywhere. Oprah and Dr. Mehmet Oz both have raved about the benefits of receiving Reiki – Dr. Oz even said, “the next big frontier is energy medicine.”
Reiki originated in Japan in the early 1920s when it was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, and it is currently being practiced and taught in every country. It’s an energy therapy that can be performed with hands on or above the body. The client always remains clothed. Reiki can accelerate the healing process, reduce pain levels, restore balance, release energy blocks, reduce stress, calm the emotions, and help the mind focus and find clarity. Reiki can be provided to adults, children, and even animals.
How does Reiki work?
The human body is not only biological (bones, skin, and organs) and chemical (blood and hormones), it is also energetic. Scientists have discovered energy exists in every cell in the body as well as existing between the cells. This energy, also referred to as chi, ki or prana in eastern cultures, is necessary to maintain health and well-being in the body. Stress, poor life style choices, lack of rest, and many other factors decrease the body’s energy resources and over time will actually create an environment that allows disease to manifest in the body. When the body experiences stress or disease it is an indication that the body’s energy levels are low, blocked, non existent, or trapped causing an implosion of the energy. During a Reiki session the trained practitioner facilitates the flow of Universal energy into the client’s body to restore their energy and support the body’s innate healing abilities. When the body’s energy is restored, it supports the immune system and all the organs, glands, blood, bones, etc. in keeping the body in balance, thus restoring health.
Over the past few years Western medicine has acknowledged the benefit of energy therapies – Reiki being one of these recognized modalities. It’s being offered in many hospitals, and some cancer treatment centers even offer Reiki as it has been shown to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, restore energy, and assist the body in healing. With athletes requesting Reiki sessions, sports medicine clinics are integrating Reiki into their treatments. Reiki practitioners are offering sessions right before surgery and post op in the hospital. More and more doctors, nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists are seeking Reiki training to integrate it with their allopathic treatments.
People have reported that while receiving Reiki days or weeks before their surgery to remove their tumors or cysts, the tumor had shrunk or no longer existed at the time of their surgery date. Others reported how Reiki accelerated their recovery process, shortening the time and amount of discomfort and enabling them to quickly return to their normal lifestyle.
Whereas most medical treatments work on the disease effects and sometimes addresses the cause if it can be determined, Reiki works on the cause, which then removes the effect. Reiki cannot cause harm and is not toxic. The Universal energy flows from the practitioner’s hands and enters the client’s body through their major energy centers called chakras. It follows the body’s meridians to the areas in the body that need energy. The energy clears, restores, and releases the distorted energy dynamic that created or supports the disease or stress. After the blocks are released, Reiki replenishes the area with healthy, vibrant, energy to support deep healing and well-being.
Some people will get immediate results while others will experience more subtle shifts. The energy continues to work for quite a while after the session. The good feeling that comes with a session can last for several days to a week or more. Many people ask how many sessions that they might need to clear the issues that they are experiencing. This depends on many factors, such as the condition that they are dealing with, how long they have had it, their attitude, etc. Long-term issues may take several Reiki treatments, while less serious issues such as a broken bone or earache, may require only one to three sessions. Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatments. It is used in conjunction with your medical plan of action.
For women, Reiki can help with fertility issues, PMS, fibromyalgia, MS, menopause, and other female related illnesses. Reiki brings comfort, restores balance, and assists the body to maintain health and well-being. There are clinical studies that have been done proving Reiki’s effectiveness. Many hospitals offer Reiki, but you have to request it in order to receive it. Even healthy people are partaking of monthly Reiki sessions in order to keep their energy stores in balance to support their body, mind, and emotions from getting out of balance and to help them to focus their energy to reach their goals.
Click here to read more articles on MeaningfulWomen.com by Dawn Fleming.
Dawn Fleming is a Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive, Teacher, Freelance Writer, and Author. She sees clients in her Chandler, AZ office, and has a very active distance Reiki practice.
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Yours in Service,