Cleaning your living space can be very boring, and a lot of people will procrastinate that activity as long as they can. Let’s say the day has come, and you can’t put up with the clutter anymore. First of all, you’ll need a good plan. You may think that you can take care of everything day by day, but you’re wrong. If you just take care of few spots, tomorrow you’ll get a few new ones and have to start all over again.
Make a comprehensive to-do list
Before you start with restoring order, take a pen and write down everything that needs to be done on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. That piece of paper will be very helpful when you lack the time and don’t know where to start. Just stick to the plan.
If you’re not sure where you should start your action, just make sure to follow the clutter. In almost every house, the most crowded area is the kitchen, so you can start there. Afterward, you should work on cleaning bathroom, and at the end work in the living room.
Stop shopping excessively
Think twice before you buy a new item for your house. In order to declutter your home effectively, your first step should be towards restraining yourself of adding new stuff in already stuffed space. Make sure to put all of your existing items in use before deciding to go shopping for new ones.
Put everything in its place
Avoid piling your mail and documentation on every unused surface. You should dedicate a special place for everything. You can achieve this by using drawers and high shelves. Those won’t take too much space and will help you stop accumulating stuff on your counter or coffee table.
Make some new habits
It’s not enough to put things at their place just once. You should really establish a few routines which will help you to do that automatically and on daily basis. It is crucial to stick with those new habits in order to declutter your home in a long run. Put the dishes in the machine once done, hang your jacket as soon as you come home etc.
Share responsibilities
If you are not living alone, make sure to instruct your roommate, partner or kids to participate in cleaning. Organize them by assigning daily tasks that they should take care of. That way, everybody will take some responsibility and the house will be clean in no time.
Take out unused items
Getting rid of the stuff you don’t frequently use will be a giant leap toward decluttering. Make sure to leave just those items that you need in everyday life. Everything else can be put into one of the available supercheap storage solutions in your area.
Don’t get distracted
While cleaning, make sure to avoid all sources of disturbance. First in line is your phone. You’ll do a great favor to yourself if you just set it on airplane mode or just switch it off. That move will save you a lot of time and you’ll be able to concentrate on the work.
Stop with the excuses
If it’s hard for you to start and can’t stop making excuses, make sure to grab a big garbage bag and start tossing stuff. Fill that bag with all of the accumulated junk all over the house. Once you’ve decluttered your home a little bit, you’ll gain new motivation to continue.
Ask for help and help others
Don’t hesitate to call some friends over to help you with cleaning. You can easily repay by making a tasty dinner after the job is done. Once you’ve finished, you may pay a visit to one of the charity organizations and donate some stuff you don’t need anymore.
The tips mentioned above should ease up the organization process, and hopefully, will get you motivated. Once you’re done with restoring order to your special place, you’ll most certainly feel satisfaction and willingness to keep it that way. All you need is a little bit of dedication, few companions, and busy hands. Get up and start planning, so your house can become spacious and comfortable once again.
About the Author: Ian Pearson is an IT Consultant at Media Gurus of New South Wales, Australia. Aside from his primary area of interest and expertise in business consulting, Ian is a passionate sports fan, nature and photography enthusiast, and is always trying to keep up to date with tech innovations and development.
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