5 Reasons to Avoid Dairy

5 Reasons to Avoid Dairy

Did you know that humans are the only species that continue drinking milk after infancy? We drink milk with our tea, we pour it onto our cereal and we even use it in our cooking. We’ve become reliant on dairy and, to some extent, addicted too. It doesn’t seem to be doing us any harm, so why should we consider cutting it out of our diets? Here are some reasons why you should avoid dairy.

Heart Disease

The risks of heart disease are significantly increased with the more cholesterol and saturated fats we consume. Where do we find those things? In milk and cheese. A low fat plant based diet will give you a much better chance at avoiding heart disease and studies have shown that the diet can actually strengthen your heart instead.


Have you noticed that the number of children being diagnosed with an intolerance to dairy has risen in the last few years? One of the main symptoms of children with an intolerance is constipation. Milk, cheese and other dairy products do not contain fiber. Fiber is needed for the body to trigger regular and normal bowel movements. If you’re concerned that your child has an intolerance to dairy, it’s best to seek medical advice from a doctor and ask about milk alternatives.


There has never been a better time to cut dairy out of your diet. It’s no longer a case of ‘going cold turkey’. There is a fantastic range of alternatives to try, including coconut milk, almond milk, soy milk and rice milk. It may take a bit of getting used to, but the alternatives are tasty, refreshing and much better for you. If you’re worried that you may not be getting enough calcium, why not have a look at AlgaeCal reviews and testimonials? A supplement can help to increase bone strength and help treat osteoporosis. You should consult your doctor before taking supplements.

Antibiotics in Milk

Cows are often put under an enormous amount of stress to produce milk. This sometimes results in something called Mastitis, which the cows need to take antibiotics for. The cows are also given a synthetic hormone — just as some people take HGH — which enables them to produce more milk than they would naturally. These antibiotics and hormones can be found in the milk bought at supermarkets and stores; in the milk we drink on a daily basis.

Protecting Animals

We drink milk and eat cheese without a second thought to how it is produced and how the animals are treated. Dairy farming is among the most horrific when it comes to animal cruelty. Imagine watching a calf being ripped away from its mother. Then hearing the mother cry out in fear as she searched for her calf. The mothers are either killed for meat or kept segregated for the milk that her calves should be drinking.

When you really think about it, does it make sense to drink milk from a cow into adulthood? Would we still breastfeed if we had the choice? Try a dairy-free diet and see what a difference it makes.

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