Eco-Friendly Cleaning of Your Garden: Ultimate Outdoor Cleaning Tricks

Eco-Friendly Cleaning of Your Garden

Eco-friendly practices in the garden are not only welcomed but also needed to preserve the constantly declining environment. Cleaning your garden in such a way that doesn’t harm humans, animals and plants is important to improve the quality of life. While tending to the garden in the right way is crucial for it to flourish, keeping it clean and clutter-free will give you the opportunity to enjoy that lavish nature.

In order to do this, you will need to know the ultimate outdoor cleaning tricks that will help you to introduce eco-friendly care of your garden. And here are some of them.

1.    Make your own compost

Fertilizing your plants is very important if you want to have a healthy and thriving garden. But store fertilizers are usually toxic and aggressive, so it’s better to make your own. This is where composting comes in as not an only natural way to fertilize the garden, but also to keep it clean.

Namely, in order to make compost, you will have to collect the fallen leaves in your garden regularly. Collecting the yard waste and combining it with coffee grounds, vegetable peels and eggshells from your garbage will create humus that is the best soil builder for plants. Just be patient and dedicated, and at the same time, you will keep your garden free of debris and healthy.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning of Your Garden2.    Use natural weed killers

Weed grows everywhere: between the tiles on the patio, in the cracks of pavement, among the flowers and on your lawn. While the lawn is easiest to take care off by simply mowing it and keeping it neat, the other areas are more challenging. There are many agents available on the market but most are toxic and can harm animal and human life.

Instead, pull the weeds by hand among veggies, fruits, and flowers since that will also give you the reset the soil and refresh it. On other areas, use natural weed killer made of white vinegar, salt, and liquid dish soap during the sunniest day. This will keep your seating and walking areas clean and weed-free for a long time, and you can repeat it as much as you need to since it’s eco-friendly.

3.    Use natural repellents against pests

Instead of using toxic agents to repel pests, adopt natural insect control. This way you will be able to save your garden and keep it clean while at the same time not damaging the planet. There is a variety of homemade insecticides you can make in your kitchen with ingredients you already have there.

A mix of vegetable oil and mild soap will take care of aphids and mites, while neem oil insecticide will stop their life cycle no matter the stage. Garlic is famous for its pungent scent which is actually perfect as an insecticide, as well as hot pepper spray made of fresh or powder chilies. Regular use of insecticide will help your plants stay healthy and not lose their leaves or die due to the infestations.

4.    Pay attention to challenging spots

People tend to avoid cleaning of certain spots just because they are challenging. For example, the ornamentation of the fence or less accessible parts of the façade can really cause trouble. And let’s not forget the space between tiles on the pathways, or rooftop which has been ruining the appeal of your garden with dirtied shingles.

Since these are areas you shouldn’t clean by yourself, consider hiring professionals who use eco-friendly agents and techniques like Renew Outdoor Cleaning. They have experience, equipment, and expertise to handle these tasks in a way safe for residents and the environment. Furthermore, your outdoor space will be spotless and healthy for you and your family to use and enjoy.

5.    Recycle the garden waste

Almost all garden waste can be recycled and turned into nutritious soil conditioner. Once you collect the waste like bark, hedge cuttings, plants, weeds, twigs and other debris you can take it to a local recycling point. From there, the garden waste is taken to the compositing site where compostable material is removed and prepared to decompose.

Compost made in such a way has a wide range of use in agriculture, landscaping and brownfield sites. So, you will not only keep your garden clean but will help others to use eco-friendly compost for their purposes.

In the end

Keeping your outdoor area clean in an environmentally responsible way is not hard and brings many benefits. Eco-friendly cleaning of your garden will create safe space for you and your family, as well as flora and fauna in your surroundings. With these ultimate outdoor cleaning tricks, you will join the ever growing movement to save the planet and respect all life on it.

Sarah Jessica Smith


About the Author: Sarah Jessica Smith is a young blogger from Sydney. She is in love with life and all the things that can make her daily routine easier. She loves to write about home improvement, lifestyle, and all the small things that make life such a great adventure.

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