Apps apps everywhere – which one do I use to share photos?
My friends and family are all on Facebook. I love Facebook – I’ve got great-great-cousins (is that a real thing?) on Facebook that I haven’t seen in ages and now I get to keep up with them. I love seeing new pictures of my nieces and nephews in my News Feed and getting a chance to share in the day-to-day of my family.
Then there are the dog people – we’ve all lost our minds and decided to partake in the 366 Project (post one picture every day of the year) or the 52 Week Project (post one photo every week for a year). We picked Tumblr – it gives you a unique URL for your site and seemed pretty popular but their app interface is terrible and their website kind of drives me crazy. It just isn’t intuitive for me.
And now there is Pinterest. It’s like Tumblr but the interface is better and so are the social aspects. It lets me decide if I want to post a “pin” to my Facebook and Twitter on a pin by pin basis. I also get immediate gratification seeing that people re-pinned my post.
[ Also see Making the Most of Twitter ]
Oh, and I forgot Flickr. I love Flickr because they protect my images. In fact, last week they announced they will not allow “pinning” of photos to Pinterest in order to protect the copyright of photographers. They have also said they will be doing a much-needed update to the website and their user interface. Their mobile app is pretty good, so I can upload photos easily. I like Flickr.
And I haven’t even bothered with Instagram. I must be the only iPhone user in the world who has not jumped on this train but I am having enough photo management problems! Hipstamatic does the same thing (sort of) but let’s me post the photo where I want instead of to a dedicated website. Granted, Instagram has some cool selective sharing options – what site do you want to post to? – but I’m running out of energy here.
So what is a woman to do?
Facebook still has me. I can make it private and my friends and family hang out there.
Flickr lets me keep high quality images public without them being stolen. You also keep me. Kudos for banning pinning.
Pinterest: you also win. I’m going to turn off my Tumblr and migrate to Pinterest for my public photos and “stories.”
And please, no new photo apps for just a little while, okay?
Click here to find more articles by Tina Shakour on MeaningfulWomen.com.
Tina Shakour lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her husband Nasir and one very spoiled Shiba Inu named Zuko. She works for the start-up Veetle, and has been an engineer, an Internet TV “personality” and now spends her time loving video, social media and marketing. You can follow her on Twitter (@tinashakour).
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