Forty or 50 years ago, beauty was all natural and we celebrated the little imperfections that made us unique. Things have changed a lot since then, though; the pressure is on for women to conform to just one standard of beauty. According to American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there was a 5% increase in the number of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures done from 2010 to 2011. Breast augmentation, nose reshaping, liposuction, eyelid surgery and facelifts were the most popular in a generation fixated on getting their bodies “just right.”
Plastic surgery doesn’t come without its problems, though. Going under the knife can produce serious side effects, especially on younger women’s bodies that are still changing. Here are typical situations to help you determine when you should and shouldn’t have plastic surgery.
Situation #1:
You have a Deviated Septum or are experiencing difficulty in breathing.
Surgery to correct a deviated septum fixes a practical problem with your health and can help you feel better about yourself. So, yes go for Septoplasty or Deviated Septum surgery.
Situation #2:
Your breasts are too small/big, or they don’t match.
Women’s breasts can keep changing into their mid-20s, so surgery during teenage years or young 20s isn’t a recommended option. Instead, look into a professional bra fitting at a boutique to make the most of your figure or reduce back pain.
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Situation # 3:
Your nose/ears are too big.
Rhinoplasty and Otoplasty can be really tempting for a big nose or ears that stick out, but you may regret this decision later in life. You should definitely spend a lot of time thinking about these procedures before choosing surgery.
Situation # 4:
You have acne scars.
Yes. Severe acne scars can be reduced by microdermabrasion or laser resurfacing. It’s important to make sure your acne has cleared permanently and before having the scars removed.
Situation # 5:
You want to lose weight.
No. A lot of women think liposuction (read more here) or a tummy tuck will help them lose weight, but these surgeries are really just for “shaping.” The fat will come back if you don’t make lifestyle changes, specifically around diet and exercise. Consider integrating a good exercise plan and eating a balanced diet instead of surgery for weight loss.
Situation # 6:
Plastic surgery is not the solution to low self-esteem. Most of us feel unattractive from time to time, but real beauty comes within. You need to feel it within yourself before others see the real you. So be you! When you wake up in the morning, look into the mirror and tell yourself you’re beautiful. Start the day out right!
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Situation # 7:
People keep saying you look tired or angry.
Hearing unflattering comments from family members or co-workers can be tough, but “fixing” your body with surgery is most likely not the best option. Eating well, getting a good night’s sleep and regular exercise are key ingredients to feeling your best and having a positive outlook. Spending time with friend, family and other loved ones is also important. If you’re unfulfilled at your job, consider making a change. There are many things you should do before heading down the path of plastic surgery!
Nobody’s perfect, and our imperfections are often what makes us interesting, unique and special. If you have serious medical issue or a congenital defect, surgery can be a great option. But it’s probably not the best long-term choice if you’re just looking to feel better about yourself, feel sexier or fit in with a certain crowd – when everyone else is trying to change their selves, be uniquely you. There are lots of other ways to boost your self-confidence and plastic surgery is not the quick-fix to boosting your self-esteem.
[ Read 11 Ways to Feel Beautiful from Oprah.com. ]
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