Great Ways To Purify The Air In Your Home

Great Ways To Purify The Air In Your Home

The air you breathe is essential to your health. It doesn’t matter what you eat and how much you exercise if you don’t have a good supply of oxygen getting to your muscles. For the most part, the air in your home is probably stale and short of oxygen. That isn’t because of you, but because most homes follow this pattern. Thankfully, there are several ways you can make sure the air in your home is full of oxygen.

Open The Windows

Although the weather is still not the best, it is a good idea to crack open a window. In fact, it is the best time of year because the cold air overpowers the stale air. A small breeze is enough to keep the circulation flowing and the air in your home full of O2. You don’t have to leave the windows open all of the time because the temperature will drop. But, you can do it every now and again just to keep it fresh.

Install An Air Purifier

The name gives it away, but air purifiers take all of the harmful pollutants out of the air so that you breathe cleaner air. This is a good alternative if you don’t like the thought of opening a window during the back end of winter! Alternatively, there is an air curtain that does the same thing. The difference is that it also regulates the temperature of your home in addition to purifying the air. Think of it as a mix between an air conditioner and an extractor fan.

Don’t Burn Wood

Lots of homes have fireplaces and log burners to save on energy bills. Although they are great for saving energy, they are bad for polluting the air. The pollutants from the burnt wood have to go somewhere, and it is inevitable that they leak into your home. By not burning it in the first place, you can decrease the level of the dirty air. Then, there is no need for you to use a purifier or open a window as the air will already be clean.

Don’t Smoke Inside

If you are a smoker, you might not be too bothered about your health anyway because smoking is incredibly unhealthy. However, if you are, you need to stop smoking in the house. The fumes from the cigarettes are terrible for your lungs and your respiratory system. Plus, they also stick to the room because they seep into the fabric. As a result, you will never be able to improve the air in your home if you treat it like an ashtray.

Clean Up

Some of the pollutants in the air come from dirt. Dust mites and moth balls, for example, decrease the oxygen levels. However, they don’t have to because you can negate them by keeping your home tidy. Any dust that is lying around just needs wiping up and throwing in the bin. A nice air freshener will also keep the air smelling fresh and vibrant.

Purifying the air at home doesn’t have to be difficult.

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