You might be surprised how common back injuries are. With 80% of adults experiencing back injury at least once in their lifetime, it’s far from a rare occurrence.
Many times these injuries can be attributed to people trying to lift more weight than they are able to, or not using proper lifting techniques. You can help prevent back injury by ensuring you prepare as much as you can for lifting heavy objects.
For example, disassembling furniture to make it lighter before you move it is a great way to reduce strain on the back when moving. You can also pack smaller/lighter boxes and know when to ask for help if you need to move something really heavy. Always map out a safe route between the two spots you are lifting between and make sure there are no slippery surfaces or trip hazards.
The folks over at Simply Self Storage put together a great graphic that outlines the proper techniques that should be used when lifting heavy things. There is also a section about yoga stretches anyone can do to alleviate back pain. These can be used whether you’re injured or simply experiencing minor pain.
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