Growing up as a young girl, we often think about the day when that perfect person asks us to be their wife. We have run through it so many times in our heads. The words, the place, the ring, the look. So, unfortunately, if it doesn’t live up to the expectations, we may not say yes!
Everyone imagines it differently, but here are some of the most important factors.
Surprise me!
We don’t want to know what’s about to happen. We want it to be a complete surprise. We want to be taken back and caught off guard, as that just adds so much more magic to the act. We want it to be that perfect story that we tell our girlfriends about – the one that gets them all emotional, to the point of shedding a tear. We want it to be out of the blue so we can be totally in awe that you managed to set this all up without us knowing.
The perfect ring!
An engagement ring to us is the symbol of the rest of our lives together. It’s the thing that we look at and get choked up about because we relive every single memory of that day you asked us to marry you. It should be unique, like our love. – One of a kind. Take 77 Diamonds heart engagement rings for example. We want you to design a ring for us, something that you think will be perfect on our finger. – That means so much more than a huge, flashy rock.
The best friend’s involvement!
We all wish for our best friend to be part of the plan. Whether she helped you design the ring, or she set up the location, or she deliberately canceled on us so we’d meet you instead. Whatever the reason, there’s something very special about knowing that you wanted our best friend to be a part of it with you. It shows us you really care, and wanted everything to be perfect, and we’ll always love you for that.
The reason!
We don’t just want to hear those four magical words; we want a build up to it. We want to know exactly why you want us to be your wife. What is it that you love about us? What do you want our future to be like? And how do you know we’re the only one for you? Hearing this will show us that you’ve really thought about it. It will show us that you’re not doing it because we’ve been together for five years (or however long it is!) – you’re doing it because you want us to be your wife forever and ever.
And so if all else fails – if you can’t get the ring, or a romantic location, or a big, thought after plan – just tell us why you love us. Look at us, in the eyes and through the soul, and tell us what you want. Your words are enough…
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