Saturday Night Live’s Amy Poehler & Seth Meyers had a lot of fun last night discussing the birth control debate with their “Really?” segment. Enjoy!
Please also see: What’s to Debate About Birth Control?
Saturday Night Live’s Amy Poehler & Seth Meyers had a lot of fun last night discussing the birth control debate with their “Really?” segment. Enjoy!
Please also see: What’s to Debate About Birth Control?
This week, my sweet, Catholic mom is on vacation and has no access to the Internet. By pure coincidence, contraception is suddenly being re-debated in this country as if we’ve […]
Editor’s Note: Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks at HuffingtonPost.com have a provocative piece on what they describe as “The Republican War On Women.” Think for a moment about the entire verbal […]
Editor’s Note: A couple of weeks ago, Congress held a panel on women’s health, discussing topics such as birth control and abortion, with the speakers consisting exclusively of men from […]
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