Home Healing: 5 Secrets to Bouncing Back from Injury Without Hospitals

5 Secrets to Bouncing Back from Injury Without Hospitals

Being injured is hard enough. The pain, the inconvenience that comes with lack of mobility, and the complications of performing even the most basic of daily tasks. The situation is considerably exacerbated if you’ve been hospitalized due to the severity of your condition. Even once you’ve been released into an outpatient program, the frequent hospital, doctor or allied health visits can add insult to that already debilitating injury. Imagine if you could do more of your healing in the comfort and familiarity of your own home? That reality is closer than you think, and we’d like to show you a few ways how:

House Calls

Many healthcare professionals now offer home visits services that can significantly improve your quality of life. Home physiotherapy, for example, is becoming almost standard in the industry, particularly for elderly patients, or those with limited mobility. Receiving medical treatment in the home has been shown to deliver better outcomes, and help people heal faster, which is the driving force behind the growth in home-based healthcare.

Healthy DietYou Are What You Eat

Diet is crucial to your recovery. Your body depends upon the appropriate nutrients to be available for it to be able to repair itself quickly and efficiently. Whether or not you are a foodie, paying strict attention to what you put in your body can drastically improve your recovery times. Many clinicians are now recommending a predominantly plant-based diet to aid with recovery from injury. Many fruits and vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties. As inflammation is one of your prime enemies on the road to recovery, it’s worth increasing your intake of these healing foods as a proportion of your overall diet.

Stay Active

It goes without saying that your ability to exercise is going to be curtailed while you’re injured. However, any physical activity will elevate your heart rate and increase blood supply to your entire body, including the damaged area, which can significantly boost your recovery. Even if you can’t work out at full capacity, whatever gets your heart pumping without placing a burden on the damaged tissue is going to assist you to come back faster. It’s worth speaking with your doctor, or a trainer about low-impact exercises that will be right for you.

Meditate for mindfulnessMind Power

The ability of the brain to affect the physical body is undisputed. Study after study shows that a positive psychological outlook correlates strongly with speedier, more complete recoveries. This can be easier said than done. The pain and physical limitations imposed by injury can lead to negativity and even depression. It’s vital, therefore, to keep a positive mindset. Use this time to pursue intellectual pursuits, meditate, read those books you’ve had on your list since forever, explore new hobbies, or spend extra time with friends and family. If your mind is in the right place, it’ll help your body do its job.

Explore Alternatives

While some people may be skeptical of alternative medical techniques, there is plenty of evidence to show that they can play a pivotal part in helping people bounce back. Treatments such as acupuncture, kinesiology, reiki, naturopathy, homeopathy and countless others are becoming more recognized as offering complimentary benefits to mainstream medical treatment. It is worth exploring these options to ascertain whether they could form a part of your overall treatment regime.

Recovering from an injury can be a slow and challenging process. Staying out of the hospital or doctor’s office can make a substantial contribution to the speed with which you get back on your feet. Consider these suggestions, and hopefully, you’ll be fighting fit in no time.

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