Suddenly having to cope with a disability can be daunting to say the least. There is no getting around the fact that suddenly dealing with a disability will change your entire life. But, it doesn’t have to be for the worse, just different. The truth is that anyone can develop a physical disability. You might injure your back at work lifting something, leaving you in constant pain. Or, you could have been involved in an accident. If this has happened to you it’s important to know how to cope and this is the advice we can offer.
Stay Active
We know this sounds like a cruel joke at first. How on earth are you supposed to stay active with a disability? If you can’t walk it certainly seems a little unfair to suggest that you try to exercise. But actually, it’s quite common for someone with a disability to be active. Particularly if they had been involved in sports previously. You should not let having a disability stop you living the life that you want. Again it will be different but look at it this way. If you once played basketball and you are now in a wheelchair, you can still play. It’s exactly the same game, just as vigorous and competitive.
Talk To Someone
We know you might think that you are coping with a disability. But, you must remember it’s not just the physical strain. There is an emotion issue you’re going to have to face. You will need to reach acceptance that your life has changed, and most people find it difficult to do that alone. One of the reasons why it is so important for you to stay active is because this limits the chance of developing emotional issues like depression. But, if you’re not talking to anyone about your experiences you will still be at risk of this.
Get Support
You will need some sort of support when you have a disability. The fact is you won’t be able to do everything you were once able to. But the amount of support you get is up to you. You can decide this through a self directed support service. They will help you choose what you need and what you want. You can have as much independence or support as you require. Your life is still in your hands.
Making Friends
When you have a disability, it’s easy to think about everything you’ve lost and what you’re missing out on. You completely forget about what you have gained. By having a disability, you’re part of a new social group. They can offer you support and help you come to accept your new life. They will be there with you when times are hard. It will be difficult at first for other people in your life because they won’t be able to relate. Because of this you might push them away. That’s why you need others in your shoes who will understand how you’re feeling.
We hope you find this post helpful. Remember a disability does not change who you are.
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