7 Tips for Making Moving Less Stressful

7 Tips for Making Moving Less Stressful

Moving is without doubt a stressful experience for many. It involves days of packing and unpacking once you arrive at your new home. Not only is it physically draining, but it can also be emotionally trying as well. But there are a few tips that can help make the transition a lot easier. Here is how to ease the stress when moving:

1. Hire a Good Moving Company

One of the most important choices you have to make when moving is settling on a moving company. The company you choose can either make your moving experience blissful or entirely nightmarish. Some of the factors to consider include the length of time the company has been in operation and the kind of reputation they have. Do people consider the company trustworthy? Do they handle the clients’ property with care? Read as many reviews as you possibly can about a company before you hire them. A company like www.metromoversindy.com is an example of a great moving option.

2. Pick a Good Day

Moving by itself is a stressful event without having to add to it bad weather or other taxing chores. When picking a moving day, try your best to ensure that the conditions are perfect. Moving during winter is generally not preferable since you may experience a lot of transportation troubles before you arrive at your destination. However, if you are on a tight budget and don’t mind the weather so much, then you may consider moving during this season.

Bright and sunny summer days are more popular with those who have to move. However, since this is the peak season for moving, then moving prices tend to be a bit higher. If you can afford it, then by all means move on a day when the weather is right. Also pick a day when you are relatively free.

3. Sell Some of Your Stuff and Dispose of Unwanted Belongings

Sell Some of Your Stuff and Dispose of Unwanted BelongingsIt is when you start packing and begin looking for space to put some items that you really realize just how much stuff you have accumulated over the years. Chances are, you don’t actually need or use all of the stuff, although you may feel attached to it. When moving, it makes a lot of practical sense to sell clothes or other items that you don’t really need. First, it could greatly reduce moving costs. Secondly, you won’t have to go crazy over lack of space. Finally, you will get rid of things that merely clutter your home for no reason, and this will save plenty of space in your new home. If you have an old car, you can sell that as well. Have a car hauling company come pick it up and take it off of your hands. You can also rent a cheap dumpster from a local company to haul away anything you can’t sell and no longer need.

4. Label Boxes

One of the oldest tricks in the book regarding moving is to label all your boxes. This will prove to be invaluable once you start the processing of unpacking. In fact, you can have all the boxes put in the respective rooms, so that you have a little less lifting around to do. You really don’t want to open every other box when looking for kitchenware, do you?

5. Keep Valuable Things Off The Truck

When moving, there is a high probability of things getting lost or damaged while being transported in the moving truck. Often times, this damage is unintentional and might even be unpreventable. This is why it is wise to travel with your prized possessions as opposed to putting them in the truck. Expensive jewelry or valuable art and collectibles are better off being carried in your car than the truck. You really don’t want to lose them during moving.

6. Take Pictures of Furniture When Taking It Apart

In order to make it easy to reassemble pieces of furniture, first take pictures before you take them apart. The same should apply for electronics such as the television, your stereo system and even the desktop computer. When it is time to reassemble, you will be truly grateful for the pictures.

7. Pack Early

The key to a stress-free moving experience is being organized. This not only means putting things in the right boxes and making the most out of the available space, but it also means picking out the moving company and choosing the moving day reasonably early. Start packing as early as you possibly can. Do not underestimate the time it can take to pack everything in a room. If you give yourself a reasonable timeframe, you will not panic when the moving day arrives.


Although moving is not easy, it need not be unbearably stressful. Follow the tips above in order to have an easy time changing homes.

“How to Digitize Your Life” infographic provided by Chicago Scanning.

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